
Antar Nidhi

Characteristice of placement of Sun in Different Houses

Planet Sun holds a profound significance in Vedic Astrology, where it represents the soul, life-giving energy, will-power, and immunity. It also symbolizes your outer persona and how you express yourself to the world, signifying authority, the father figure, and the ability to lead and make a mark. Furthermore, it embodies the government, ego, and self-esteem, …

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Astrology has been around for centuries and has given rise to numerous myths and misconceptions

Astrology controls your fate: One of the most prevalent myths is that astrology can predict your destiny or future with absolute certainty. In reality, based on the planetary position formed at the time of birth, astrology can guide about the incidences and the events in life. It helps the native navigate life. A lot of it is in control of the native through freewill, mindfulness and connecting with the Divine. Astrology is your GPS to navigate the journey called LIFE.