
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Marriage

  1. When will I get married?
  2. Is my marriage going to be love or arranged?
  3. How will my married life be?
  4. Can a Manglik get married to a Non-Manglik?
  5. Does my horoscope show any negative impact from Mangal Dosha with regards to my marriage?
  6. Is there a chance of divorce with my spouse?
  7. Does my horoscope indicate the possibility of a second marriage?
  8. Will I get back my love?
  9. Is my spouse having an extra-marital affair?
  10. We have been in a long-term relationship; is it time to consider getting married?

Questions About Business

  1. Should I do a job or a business?
  2. Will partnership in business suit me?
  3. Should I do business in my birthplace, or should I consider moving to another city or country?
  4. Will it be beneficial for my business to expand into a different stream?
  5. What are the reasons that my business is not growing?
  6. Will I have the financial ability to clear off my loans?
  7. Will I get my money back?

Questions About Job

  1. When will I get a job?
  2. When will I get promoted?
  3. Will changing my job improve my career prospects?
  4. Should I apply for foreign assignments?
  5. Should I consider a career in the government sector or the private sector?
  6. Will I settle abroad?
  7. Is transfer good for me?

Questions About Education

  1. I am facing a health issue. What could it be?
  2. Will my illness be cured?
  3. When will I get healthy?
  4. Should I continue the treatment?
  5. Why am I having a lot of mood swings these days?
  6. Why am I feeling stressed without any reason?
  7. I feel like leaving everything and going to a quieter place, why?

Questions About Children

  1. When will I have a child?
  2. Will the delivery be Normal or Caesarean?
  3. Are there any obstacles to child birth in my horoscope?
  4. Will my child be good at studies?
  5. Will my relationship with my children be strong enough? 
  6. Will my children take care of me in my old age?
  7. When will my son/daughter get married?
  8. Will my children have a love or arranged marriage?

Other Questions

  1. When will I buy a car?
  2. Will I have my own house?
  3. What are the potential consequences of taking legal action against my relative, and should I pursue it?
  4. Is it favourable for me to take a loan to purchase a house?
  5. When will I be able to sell my property?