
A happy person extends a happy environment whether at work or at home. AntarNidhi can help you cultivate a positive outlook to experience joy and fulfilment. Through the 9 point Happytual framework, you are able to connect with the subconscious, thereby reconnecting with our Divine inner force to become a positive, high performing individual

With over 25 years of experience working in the corporate setting, AntarNidhi was directed towards a spiritual journey that not only helped her as a working professional but also as a person who reckoned her purpose in life with intricate life lessons.

Why AntarNidhi?

Being an astrologer, she has come across people who were unhappy, primarily because of the choices they have made. Helping them find their inner joy led to the birth of AntarNidhi.
They say – happiness is only real if shared. It is not a result of the things that happen around us. In fact, it is an outcome of our emotional mindset, and can be realised at the subconscious level. Now-a-days, even the organisations have heightened weightage on Happiness quotient as much as the Emotional and Intelligence quotient. This is because Happiness quotient is directly proportional to the social and occupational happiness. A happy person extends a happy environment whether at work or at home.
Today, most of us spend on an average 55 hours a week at work and this includes the commute time. Which is over 30% of 24 hours or 50% of the awake time. Sadly, but true, happiness at work places defines the overall happiness of each of us.
With the above background, AntarNidhi, the Spiritual Coach has set out to develop programs that address mental wellbeing and can help in creation of positive mind space to nurture positive emotions. These programs help in managing negative emotions by generating a happy mindset in more than one way. It not only helps people to acknowledge challenges, but also deal with it in a holistic approach. It aids an individual to understand the importance of a balance approach. People learn to accept and manage stress by creating a clear distinction in both professional and personal environments.
Spiritual healing which, is a combination of various modalities of human consciousnessis a journey towards the inner self. The exploration inside is always more stable as opposed to the temporary external stimulus and needs an expert to enable it
At AntarNidhi, we enable employees and co-workers to understand their emotional well-being through executing a 9-point Happytual framework elements–
  1. Define the parameters of a successful life
  2. Clarity of individual goals
  3. Understand and define the priorities of life
  4. Make choices to define the direction of your life
  5. Accept that you are unique hence, the result of your actions is unique as well.
  6. Accept that you are the only person who can change things.
  7. You are the central character of your story
  8. Taking responsibility for your life
  9. Lastly, nothing is permanent. Change is the only constant
At AntarNidhi, we align the narrative of a person with his soul, and throughtherapeutic exercises, helping one understand the purpose of life. This translates into better performance at work by the way of discovering the ‘Happytual Treasure’ within.

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